Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hacks. Episode 7: Dave White.

Before I bring you part two of the epic podcast with Luca, Eva, and Nick, here's Dave White.

Dave and I were set to do a recording with Russel McLean, but we had some spare time before Russel was free, so we had a chat.

Topics discussed Include;

Where Do You Write?
Reaction To Dave’s New Book.
Worst Review?
“Whats The Best Way To Buy Your Book?”
Jay And Amazon.
Dave And Polis.
Calamari Wrestler.
The Avengers.
Daredevil (With Spoilers.)
Tennant And Eccleston.
Liam Neeson’s On The Phone.
Ways To Die In Glasgow.
Getting Cranky When We Don’t Write.
Internet Arguments.
The Scottish Referendum.
Political Pigeons.
Dave On Tour With Pearl Jam.
Signing Books.
Breaking Bad.
Better Call Saul.
Let It Ride.
What We’re Working On.
Moving House.
Literary Vs. Genre.
Dave’s Serial Killer Book.
Writing Crime In The Modern Day.